Drawing Attention to Route Changes
in Public Transit During APEC 2023

a project for the San Francisco Municipal Transit Authority

Initiated in August and completed in November of 2023 as
art director, design manager, animator for Cosine Collective

The final graphic submitted to SFMTA Marketing and Creative Services

In this project,

I, art co-director Jordan Fitzgerald and 8 fellow Bay Area designers produced graphics informing MUNI riders of route changes due to APEC 2023, held in November of that year. This built on visual communication strategy developed by creative director yves louise and project co-director Cortland Moore for the San Francisco Municipal Transit Authority (SFMTA), liaising primarily with Mathew Larson from the Office of the Mayor of San Francisco.

I directed co-designers as we made over 100 illustrations, mockups and other assets in weekly design sprints before getting feedback from SFMTA and SFMTA Marketing. All parties involved chose my design (right, based on concepts by myself and lead co-designer Aishwarya ‘Ash’ Kulkarni) for use on both socials and ClearChannel billboards in SF’s downtown South of Market district. I then animated this design for SFMTA’s Instagram story.

I also managed the production of two more graphics by Ash and our second lead co-designer Nian Tong for SFMTA socials around the same time, helping keep San Francisco moving through APEC.

Left: Concepts and mockups in production phase 1 based on preexisting SFMTA concepts, mood boards compiling photographs of street scenes, advertisements for apparel, and campaigns from the SFMTA and other municipal transit agencies in the United States,

Upper-right: Feedback on direction and Ash’s concepts collected during production phase 2

Photographs of Richmond District landmarks around Clement Street, taken by me and pitched as potential concepts for visual communication strategy
(Left to right: Tat Wong Kung Fu Academy, Green Apple Books & Music, Toy Boat by Jane Dessert Café, 6th Avenue Aquarium)

Photo of Cortland, yves, Ash, me, NSS and Jordan in front of the final graphic

Mathew Larson, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Innovation
Jeanne Brophy, Director of Marketing and Digital Manager at SFMTA
Chimmy Lee, Leon Yu, Graphic Designers at SFMTA Marketing
Nehama Rogozen, Public Relations Officer at SFMTA

Skills used
Art direction, design management, animation,
quick illustration, photography, color grading

Programs used
After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom,
Premiere Pro, Basecamp, Miro

Key partners
yves louise, creative director
Jordan Fitzgerald, art co-director and design manager
Aishwarya ‘Ash’ Kulkarni, lead co-designer and concept developer
Sri Sai Akhil ‘NSS’ Nalluri, visual researcher
Cortland Moore, project co-director and strategist

Nian Tong, (lead and concept developer), Simian He, Jade Kim, Divya Srinivasan, Christine Marcelino co-designers from UCB
Carmela Wilkins, creative strategist and designer from UCB